Proceedings Information

  1. Publication history of previous proceedings and links to the proceedings if available: Conference history
  2. Proposed proceedings series
  3. Estimated number of pages (where a page contains some 400 words): 350
  4. Expected number of papers
    •     Accepted full papers (12–15+ pages of around 400 words each): 25
    •     Accepted short papers (6–8+ pages of around 400 words each): 0
    •     Priority should be given to full papers of significant scientific content.
  5. Publication date: Would you like to have the proceedings ready in time for the event?
  6. Estimated delivery date of your camera-ready files to Springer: 15.06.2023  
  7. Reviewing schedule:

Submission date: 01.03.2023    link of submission
deadline submission: 01.04.2023
Acceptance notification: 01.05.2023
Deadline for final papers: 01.06.2023